Port of Piraeus, Greece
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Greece, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +30 210 455 0229 (Open Skype)
- Phone: +30 210 455 0219 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +30 210 455 0310
- E-mail: olp@apopsinet.gr
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Cargo pier depth: 7.1m. - 9.1m.
- Oil terminal depth: 7.1m - 9.1m
- Dry dock: Large
- Harbor size: Large
- Railway size: Medium
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Over 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Major
- Shelter: Excellent
- Coordinates: 37°55′60.00″N 23°38′60.00″E
Port of Thessaloniki, Greece
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Greece, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +30 231 059 3590 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +30 231 059 3591
- E-mail: info@thpa.gr
- Web site: www.thpa.gr
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 9.4m – 10m
- Cargo pier depth: 7.1m - 9.1m
- Oil terminal depth: 17.1m - 18.2m
- Dry dock: Medium
- Harbor size: Medium
- Railway size: Medium
- Harbor type: Coastal Natural
- Max size: Over 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Limited
- Shelter: Good
- Coordinates: 40°37′60.00″N 22°55′60.00″E
Port of Lavrio, Greece
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Greece, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +30 229 202 5249 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +30 229 206 0188
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 12.5m - 13.7m
- Cargo pier depth: 4.9m - 6.1m
- Oil terminal depth: 4.9m - 6.1m
- Dry dock: N/A
- Harbor size: Very Small
- Railway size: N/A
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Limited
- Shelter: Fair
- Coordinates: 37°42′0.00″N 24°4′0.00″E
Port of Volos, Greece
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Greece, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +30 242 103 1226 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +30 242 103 1115
- E-mail: admin@port-volos.gr
- Web site: www.port-volos.gr
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 14m - 15.2m
- Cargo pier depth: 9.4m – 10m
- Oil terminal depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Dry dock: N/A
- Harbor size: Medium
- Railway size: Small
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Limited
- Shelter: Good
- Coordinates: 39°22′0.00″N 22°56′60.00″E
Limassol Port, Cyprus
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Cyprus, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +357 228 17200 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +357 227 65420
- E-mail: cpa@cpa.gov.cy
- Web site: www.cpa.gov.cy
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 12.5m - 13.7m
- Cargo pier depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Oil terminal depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Dry dock: N/A
- Harbor size: Small
- Railway size: N/A
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Limited
- Shelter: Fair
- Coordinates: 34°40′0.00″N 33°2′60.00″E
Port of Ashdod, Israel
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Israel, Asia
- Currency: ILS
- Phone: +972 8 8517770 (Open Skype)
- Phone: +972 8 8517605 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +972 8 8517772
- E-mail: sharong@ashdodport.co.il
- Web site: www.ashdodport.co.il
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 23.2μ - OVER
- Cargo pier depth: 6.4m - 7.6m
- Oil terminal depth: 3.4m - 4.6m
- Dry dock: N/A
- Harbor size: Small
- Railway size: Medium
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Moderate
- Shelter: Fair
- Coordinates: 31°49′0.00″N 34°38′60.00″E
Port of Haifa, Israel
- Timezone: GMT+2
- Country: Israel, Asia
- Currency: ILS
- Phone: +972 8 8517211 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +972 8 8524202
- Web site: www.haifaport.co.il/english.aspx
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 17.1m - 18.2m
- Cargo pier depth: 7.1m - 9.1m
- Oil terminal depth: 23.2m - OVER
- Dry dock: N/A
- Harbor size: Medium
- Railway size: Medium
- Harbor type: Coastal Breakwater
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Moderate
- Shelter: Good
- Coordinates: 32°49′0.00″N 35°0′0.00″E
Port of Antwerp, Belgium
- Timezone: GMT+1
- Country: Belgium, Europe
- Currency: EUR
- Phone: +32 32 052011 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +32 32 052028
- E-mail: info@portofantwerp.com
- Web site: www.portofantwerp.com
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 20.1m - 21.3m
- Cargo pier depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Oil terminal depth: 6.4m - 7.6m
- Dry dock: Large
- Harbor size: Large
- Railway size: N/A
- Harbor type: River Tide Gate
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Major
- Shelter: Good
- Coordinates: 51°13′0.00″N 4°24′0.00″E
Port of Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Timezone: GMT+1
- Country: Netherlands, Europe
- Currency: Ευρώ
- Phone: +31 102 521010 (Open Skype)
- Phone: +31 102 521000 (Open Skype)
- Fax: +31 102 521020
- E-mail: info@portmanagement.com
- Web site: www.portofrotterdam.com
Port details
- Anchorage depth: 11m - 12.2m
- Cargo pier depth: 6.4m - 7.6m
- Oil terminal depth: 12.5m - 13.7m
- Dry dock: Medium
- Harbor size: Large
- Railway size: Small
- Harbor type: River Basin
- Max size: Up to 500 feet in length
- Repairs: Major
- Shelter: Fair
- Coordinates: 51°53′60.00″N 4°28′60.00″E